20 Years Later: Part 1
It's hard to believe that this summer will be my 20th year class reunion. I am not 100% sure if I am going even though it will be in the...
Happy 2015!
Hello readers and Happy 2015! May your year be a blessed one and full of many promises that will come to pass. When life gets busy or...
Cleaning Closets
During the last year or so, I often have dreams about closets. In these dreams I discover that my closet is much deeper and larger than...
The Singles' Life: Part 2
When I was reading responses to an article from Relevant Magazine, I just had to share this reader's list of "advice" or comments that...

The Singles' Life: Part 1
Right now I am working on my second book which is a devotional for single people. Since I have not been able to find any devotional books...
Dreams: Part 4
I was just thinking about setting goals for 2014 and wondering if I were to follow my goals to a tee, would they help make my dreams...

Happy 2014!
I'm back and ready to write in 2014. I have kept meaning to blog but time got away from me and I was focused on other writing projects,...

30 reasons why I love being single
Since this month is Thanksgiving, I always love to make a list of 30 things I am thankful for. This time I want to do something different...

Broken Dreams: Can they be fixed?
Here's the third part of my Dreams series. As usual, I don't always know what my next blog will be about and I have to be in the mood to...

Some dreams are only dreams
Just last night I had one of those dreams that will only be "just a dream." We all have those kinds of dreams and may not always remember...