Misleading slogans from the media: Part 2
Wear a mask; save lives
Here's another slogan from the media that is misleading. This slogan is also not specific enough. First of all, whose life are you saving by wearing a mask: yours or someone else's? Then, what kind of mask are you supposed to wear? I know slogans are supposed to be simple, but people can also take them too literally before finding out about the details behind that slogan.
Many scientific reports claim that when you wear a mask covering your mouth and nose, you are protecting others from possibly getting sick and dying. But, if others around you are not wearing a mask and you are, does this defeat the whole purpose of preventing sickness and possibly death? Then on the other hand, as opposing scientific reports claim, wearing a mask for a long period of time may be more harmful for you in the long run. There are even warning labels on masks.
I am just frustrated with "wear masks; save lives" because someone I know who recently tested positive for COVID always wore her mask when she went places and also took other necessary precautions. Still, she got COVID. After three days of being sick, she is making a good recovery.
We can take all the preventative measures to protect ourselves against getting sick and getting others sick, but there is NO guarantee that we won't get sick and/or die. Does this mean we should stay holed up in our homes forever, wear masks our entire lives, and steer 6-feet away from everyone all the time? I hope this does not last for too long because this "new normal" (another misleading and irritating slogan that's getting pushed by the media) cannot become the way we live in the long run. Right now, I would like to think this is "temporarily abnormal" and will pass.
I'm not advocating for or against wearing masks, but for the sake of the well-being of living with someone over 60, I will wear a mask (or a face shield) when I go places regardless of my beliefs. Does this mean my life will be saved? There are no guarantees, just take precautions. Remember, masks have warning labels.
