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Happy 2015!

Hello readers and Happy 2015! May your year be a blessed one and full of many promises that will come to pass. When life gets busy or in a rut, it can be easy to forget about working towards goals. In my case, I have been meaning to post more on my blog, but I got busy with life and in somewhat of a rut. Since I think that New Years' resolutions are highly over-rated and a way for companies such as gyms, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, etc., to make more money, I don't make resolutions such as exercise more, go on a diet, etc. I am already an avid exerciser, have been on a gluten-free diet for almost a year now (not a weight loss goal, just trying to stay healthy), and am debt-free, so why would I need to make resolutions on January 1st of every year? Maybe I should start going out on dates since I have not been on one in nearly a decade. Nah! There is not anyone I am interested in right now. For the time being, my focuses are to continue with good habits, stay in fellowship with God and church related activities, work on my bachelor's degree, and most of all I really want to work on my second book. I need to quit procrastinating because the more one procrastinates, the less things get accomplished. I also want to try to post on here at least once a month or when I feel led to post something of interest. For now, I will say bye and I look forward to more writing in 2015!

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