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The Singles' Life: Part 2

When I was reading responses to an article from Relevant Magazine, I just had to share this reader's list of "advice" or comments that she gets tired of hearing as a single person. As I read through her list, I thought about certain ways to respond to each comment if I had the opportunity to do so. That probably won't happen because after being single myself for such a long time (12 years), I really do not want to vent to people anymore about my somewhat seemingly forever single status. I just prefer to do that in my writing as a way to relieve some pent up frustration without having to do this face-to-face. I want to dispense this newfound wisdom to other singles who probably get tired of hearing these comments and often don't know how to respond. Hopefully my suggested responses might be helpful.

More things NOT to say to single people:

1. God knows your address

My response: Of course He does! I know what God's Word says. 2. You need to be patient My response: So how patient were you before you met your spouse? 2nd possible response: Next time you have to wait in line at Wal-Mart, be sure to take your own advise. 3. Maybe you have the gift of singleness My response: If so, then I believe it's only for a season. I believe if God wanted me to remain single, He would not put the desire of marriage on my heart. (What I've really wanted to say in the past is "Bite me!") 4. You are so “special” that God is making you wait longer for your mate. My response: Of course I am special because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Does my having to wait longer for a mate than others make them less special? I could easily take this comment as a compliment! 5. You need to wait on the Lord and he will bring your mate to church. My response: I hate to burst your bubble on this one, but more people have better luck finding someone in the produce aisle at a grocery store than at church. If you haven't noticed, many single men do not attend church or at least they don't attend the one I go to. 2nd possible response: Maybe I'll find my future husband in the aisles of Wal-Mart or at the dog park. Sunday is not the only day for God to bring wonderful opportunities into my life. 6. Don’t go out there looking for a mate, to do that means you lack “faith” in God. My response: So then Christian Mingle and eHarmony are not from God? I'm not going to sit at home and expect God to bring my future husband to knock on my door. I am just going to live life to the fullest and if I happen to meet someone who strikes my interest then that's great. 2nd possible response: Are you going to tell the people who had success meeting the right mate online that they lacked faith in God? God does have interesting ways of bringing two people together. The Internet could be one of those ways. Note: I am not endorsing online dating here, but I believe that if God puts it on someone's heart to search on a dating website, then I'm all for it. As for me, I have tried that avenue several times without success. After the third attempt at online dating, I sensed God telling me to just leave the matchmaking up to Him. So I'm happily doing that by not actively searching for my future spouse. I'm just living my life to the fullest and know that the man God has for me is somewhere in my hometown. I may find him at the grocery store or the dog park. Just any random place in town. 7. God made Abraham wait until he was a hundred before his son was born so what is your rush? My response: We are not living in biblical times. Besides, by the time I'm 100 years old (if I even live that long) my reproductive equipment will long be dried up and out of commission. Who would want to have a child when they're that old anyway? Note: I think this comment is very insensitive, especially to a woman with a ticking biological clock. If anyone were to say that to me, I would love to tell them stuff that I am not going to post on here. 8. Why do you want to get married? (From the miserable married ones) My response: Why not? So I can have a godly man by my side and we work for God's glory and so I can have sex. Isn't that why you got married? Note: What a dumb question to ask! Most people want to get married. But with more people living together without being married I guess this question may not be so dumb after all. I believe God created most people with the desire to get married. There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting married but no one should have to rush into something so big because they may think that time is running out or that it may be their last chance at finding someone. If you want to read the article where this list (without my responses) came from click on the link below.

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