How to Beat the Quarantine Blues and Boredom
Here I am in the middle of week 5 of unemployment and week 4 of self-quarantine (95% of the time). I’m also in week 3 of my “working from...

Discerning the truth in a world of fake news
During the 2020 Presidential Election and the current COVID-19 pandemic, the internet and social media are constantly bombarded with...

Don’t wait for a crisis to prepare and save
“He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6) Anyone...

I will survive again...
Being laid off from work, no usual activities or social events to attend, and stuck at home for three weeks has caused me to struggle...

I have a very fulfilling life in quarantine...
Since being laid off from work, churches being closed, and other social activities put on hold, my life has been somewhat different. Not...

Releasing my inner child with a Teddy Bear Hunt
As I’m trying to navigate my new normal during this worldwide pandemic, the inner child in me is being released. On day 3 of my “pretend...

Normal life may be on hold, but routines shouldn’t have to be...
Several weeks earlier, my last post was titled “Life is Cancelled...” It felt that way when I got laid off from my job due to the...

Life is Cancelled, So Keep Calm and Use Common Sense
Friday March 13, 2020 has been a crazy day. All New Mexico public schools, some universities and other schools throughout the U.S. have...

Nauseating Holiday Movies
As I attempt to write “25 Days of Christmas Movies,” I’m amazed at the countless Christmas movies out there, especially on the Hallmark...

Keep the Light On in the Attic
This 1981 book of poems, written and illustrated by Shel Silverstein, was #51 on the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books list from...