Divine Appointment

God comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God (2 Corinthians 1:4).
For a number of years, I was discontent and miserable in my 15-year single season. I believed something was wrong with me because men hardly asked me out, much less knew I ever existed. I did my best to look nice, hoping I was pretty enough to be noticed. I longed for a godly husband and children to call me Mommy. During the midst of my seemingly perpetual singleness, I decided to write a book about the single life. I did not want this book to be about how-to find the right person because obviously, I was not an expert on that. I also did not want to dwell on the negativity of being single because I knew there were plenty of great things about being single. I also hoped that what I wrote would make a difference in someone's life. Just last week, I found that opportunity.
I happened to have a copy of Living Single Today with me when a woman in her early 40's expressed her frustration of being single. She said the very same things I once said before: I feel like such a loser because I've never been married [her, not me] and I've never had children, yet everyone else I know has.
My heart broke for her and I knew God had a reason for me to bring my books with me for my Celebrate Recovery lesson that night. When it was my turn to talk in our small group, I said to this woman, "I've been there. I know what it's like to be over 40 and still not have had children. I got divorced during my 20's and recently broke off an engagement." As I told her and the group this, I realized that I no longer feel like a loser. I also knew that God has used my past heartache and pain which turned into a book to help me witness to others. I autographed my book and told this woman that this is a gift to her. I pray that the words I wrote several years ago will minister to her and show her that she is not alone.
I have also learned and God reconfirmed to me to stop comparing myself to others because I am fearfully and wonderfully made by Him (my Creator) (see Psalm 139: 13-16). I don't have to be like other people or follow the unspoken, unwritten guidelines that society and church seemed to have created for people. I am who I am and proud of it! I hope this woman will realize this about herself too.