I Give Up on Happily Ever After on Earth!

Does giving up on the idea of happily ever after mean I am giving up on romance? Right now, I need time before I decide to date again. I just give up on finding my happily ever after while here on this earth. My happily ever after is in Heaven: Jesus Christ, my Savior.
What does happily ever after really mean? Is this phrase just a way to end a fairy tale or a romantic movie? After I read this phrase, I don’t know what happens to the main characters after they ride off into the sunset at the end of the story. When is there a sequel to fairy tales and romance novels (I’m not counting the series)?
As for reality, my story is not over yet. Just because the relationship ended does not mean the rest of my life is over. My life is still moving forward, yet there are times when I feel as though I’m moving a few steps behind.
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.-Matthew 6:33
The happily ever after philosophy is not just fed to young girls who want to dress up as Disney princesses and long for their Prince Charming. There are pastors who preach the prosperity message which also buys into the happily ever after idea. If you pray enough, have enough faith, memorize enough Scripture out loud, and whatever other works you need to do to get blessed, then you will be financially wealthy, have the perfect spouse and children, be healed from this disease, or whatever else your heart desires. Don’t get me wrong here! I believe ALL things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26), yet life happens. No matter how strong your faith is or how big your dreams are, things happen and you are not always going to get everything you want. If you had everything you ever wanted, what would you do? Of course, you should thank God for ALL things. It seems to me that people who have everything take God for granted. I believe that God wants to bless us because that is who He is, but He is more concerned about my character and attitude.
Recently I am dealing with a broken engagement. Though the relationship was a good one, it just was not the right one. For many years, I had prayed hard for God to bless me with a godly husband while on this earth and hopefully, I would still have some eggs left. Well, here I am at 42 and just out of that long-awaited relationship. I could wallow in self-pity and curse the whole idea of happily ever after being a big deal. I still want to be married regardless of whether I have any eggs left. I know there’s far more to life than happily ever after.
Happily ever after does not pay the bills; does not stay up for late-night feedings or working overtime; does not have arguments and tough decisions to make about the future; does not age over time; does not deal with rebellious children or infertility or failed adoptions; does not lose loved ones to cancer; does not have to look for love because it’s already there. Happily ever after is overrated and such a crock of crap that is fed to us by the media and fairy tales of long ago. Happily ever after is just a story to make you feel good when you are in the middle of life’s chaos. Once the story ends, reality has to be faced.