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#YouAreEnough30 Blog Challenge: Day 16

Day 16: In Chapter Twelve, I share about how my group therapy family became like family to me. Talk about a friend or friends who are like family to you…and how they remind you just how ENOUGH you are when you’ve forgotten.

November 16, 2018: I am so blessed to have wonderful family and friends in my life and there’s just so many stories I could tell about how awesome they are. It would take several books for me to express how every important person in my life has made me feel like I’m ENOUGH!

For this post, I will talk about Celebrate Recovery (CR), my forever family. In January 2017, I took a huge step of faith by attending my first CR meeting. For those of you who are unfamiliar with CR, it is a Christian-based 12-step recovery group (based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA) which helps people to deal with their hurts, habits, and hang-ups. For someone who has struggled with depression, anxiety, and not feeling like enough, CR has turned out to be an awesome ministry for me to be an active part of. I’ve met a motley crew of people who have walked very different paths than me as well as those who share my struggles in which I am grateful to know I’m not alone in.

CR is where I met my ex-fiance (now just a friend) and many more friends (both men and women). Through this ministry, I have been able to freely give my testimony about my struggles without feeling judgment or shame. I have learned to be less judgmental of the different struggles of others and realize that although we have different issues, we somehow relate to each other. I feel like I’m ENOUGH in spite of my messes in life and try to encourage others that they are ENOUGH right where they are at (whether they are at the beginning of their recovery or have reached a recovery milestone).

For more information about Celebrate Recovery, visit

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