Good-bye 2017!

This year has been quite an adventure for me. I know it's been quite awhile since I last posted a blog. I've had so much I wanted to write about but just did not know what I wanted to publish on the Web. I am just beyond amazed how God has finally answered my long-awaited prayers.
Back in February, I had hoped to have Living Single Today published, but realized lots of editing still needed to be completed. My mother and I went through at least four rounds of editing throughout this year. Finally back in November, I told my mother, "We cannot get any more perfect than this. Living Single Today needs to be published ASAP!" I finally got the book published at the beginning of December. Here's the most awesome part: On December 24th, my boyfriend of seven months proposed to me. Now I love telling people how in one month, I had published Living Single Today and got engaged. So publishing this book when I did was meant to turn out that way. The way things turned out shows that God truly has a great sense of humor.
While I had endured some trials this year, having Chad (my fiance) come into my life eased these trials and made my life feel more manageable. At the beginning of this year, I was rear-ended in a hit-and-run car accident, dealt with some health issues, and sexual harassment (ironically, this has become a major issue in the media). For now, I am doing well and looking forward to a life with Chad. We plan to get married in the spring or summer of 2018, but no details yet.