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Substituting thoughts and words with Scripture

As a child, Daniel and I were not allowed to say cuss words at all. If we did say a certain cuss word, then we owed our parents a penny. But what if I was so upset that I did not know what other word to say instead of sh*#, hell, damn, or the f-word? Mom told my brother and me that we could say other words to replace those cuss words. Instead of saying, sh#@ we could say shoot or shucks. Hell was heck, damn was dang or darn, but there was nothing to replace the f-word. As an adult, I have come up with some creative words to use instead of the f-bomb. Even to this day, I try not to use cuss words because I think they are unladylike and as a Christian, I want to be an effective witness for Christ.

Another way for me to be an effective witness is to be careful about any word (not just swear words) that comes out of my mouth. These words could be negative self-talk such as doubt, fear, depression, etc. Just like using "shoot" or "shucks" in place of swear words, we have the option to use positive words and Scripture to replace the negativity that we might be tempted to say. It is not just the words we say, but also the thoughts we think. As Joyce Meyer often says, "Where the mind goes, the man follows." Proverbs 23:7 says, "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."

As for my thought life, I must make sure my thoughts line up with the Word of God. For most of my life, I have struggled with depression, low self-esteem, and negative thoughts. I used to think that if my circumstances improved, then the depression, low self-esteem, and negative thoughts would disappear. Over the years I have learned that God is more concerned with changing my heart than my circumstances. I admit that it feels like a LOT of work to change my thought patterns and the words which come out of my mouth. Making changes takes discipline and hard work, but in the end the results of having a positive outlook on life are worth it. I must remember to throw off every hindrance that may cause me to sin and run with perseverance the race that is marked for me as I fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith (Hebrews 12: 1-2). Below are some examples of replacing the negative with God's Word.

Replace Negativity with God's Word

Instead of saying: Say:

I can't do this or that. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

My circumstances will never change. Even though God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, everything else in life changes.

I wish I was prettier, smarter, etc. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)

I'm afraid. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

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