I'm not Josey Grossy anymore!
After seeing Never Been Kissed for probably the dozenth or so time, I am more reminded about my awkward teen years as my 20th year high school reunion is coming up this summer. I was never considered popular among my peers and I don't think guys ever considered me pretty. If they did, I never knew about it and I was rarely asked out on dates back in high school. However, I was not as awkward as "Josie" was in her teen years. I was somewhat on the shy side, got teased quite a bit, and lived somewhat of a sheltered life. I was not allowed to date until I was 16 (that was my sophomore year) and by then I could finally wear as much makeup as I wanted. Although I tried to look my best and sort of fit in fashionably with the other girls, I felt that I never measured up. None of my clothes were name brand because I bought what was affordable with my allowance money. I could never get my hair to look just right and my makeup often faded by the end of 2nd hour sophomore gym class. I admit that the thought of attending my reunion almost feels similar to Josie Gellar (Drew Barrymore's character) going back to high school as an investigative, undercover reporter posing as a high school student. However, I must realize that "I am not Josie Grossy (an awkward teenager) anymore!"

I must remind myself that "in Christ, I am a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17 New King James Version)